Certified Flooring Inspectors University requires all Certified Inspectors to agree to this Code of Ethics. For the Flooring Inspection Industry to be a successful profession it must have members who’s Integrity is without question. Integrity is defined as “ The Quality of being honest and having strong moral principles”.
Certified Flooring inspectors must be objective in seeking facts, data and test results without skewing information or results to favor their client. Objectivity in performing inspections is required to maintain the Integrity of the Industry.
Each inspector must possess Professional Competence and knowledge in the flooring industry and know how to perform inspections and field tests.
Each inspector must inspect and conduct tests with Due Care and seek accurate results in all endeavors related to Inspections.
Each inspection performed requires Confidentiality between the flooring inspector and his/her client or the inspector and the clients’ attorney. An inspector may communicate only with the commissioning agent unless otherwise given permission, in writing, to do otherwise. An inspector can only be one parties expert and testify for only one party in a lawsuit, thus the Confidentiality requirements.
Professional Behavior, Attitude, and Attire are necessary to exemplify the Certified Flooring Inspectors Profession. Professionalism in all things pertaining to the Inspection Industry is required of all CFIU Certified Inspectors.